Thursday, 30 June 2011

walk 8.   24/7/11
We were joined by 10 greyhounds, 1 lurcher and 1 whippet for a very nice stroll around shining cliff woods.  The walk entailed a few "OOPS NOT THIS WAY, I THINK WE SHOULD HAVE GONE THAT WAY"!!!. but nevertheless was a splendid walk through the woods and past a stream in which some dogs decided to go for a dip and drink.Then came the climb back up with the lake on our left side it was quite a view -as we all know what comes down must go up!!! But to be fair it was only a minor climb. Once we got back to the woods car park we then walked to the Bear Inn for a refreshing pint and Sunday lunch for some.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might have thought the hills weren't bad but my legs tell a different story!!

Sue xx